M2 Bed Bugs LLC - we provide the most complete
bed bug treatment on the market!! (740) 652-5292
bed bug treatment on the market!! (740) 652-5292

Canine Searches - Heat & Steam - Pesticide Treatment
M2 brings you a full compliment of services to address any bed bug issue. We don't hold a hammer and see every situation as a nail. We believe true service is catering our offering to match what you need!
At M2, we pride ourselves on integrity, high quality servicing, fair pricing and in general... just doing things the right way! We call it "Golden Rule+"!
Expect results! This is our specialty! Our highly skilled staff brings what you need and nothing more! Go with the team that does this EVERY day!
M2 brings you a full compliment of services to address any bed bug issue. We don't hold a hammer and see every situation as a nail. We believe true service is catering our offering to match what you need!
At M2, we pride ourselves on integrity, high quality servicing, fair pricing and in general... just doing things the right way! We call it "Golden Rule+"!
Expect results! This is our specialty! Our highly skilled staff brings what you need and nothing more! Go with the team that does this EVERY day!